Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Toilet Paper

OK, here is the question. Should the paper roll out from the top or from underneath? Sure it doesn't matter. But I bet there are seminars on this for hotel people. I guess I should notice next time I am in a nice hotel. I just had to put a new roll out and I was wondering. Speaking of hotels, what is the difference in a hotel and a motel? The motel is setup for a car to drive near the room and enter from outside, and for the hotel you park and enter inside and use elevators. Let me know if there is something else to it. You love me and I love you. Later

1 comment:

Gene said...

Lance! I didn't know you had posted anything since January! I'll have to start paying attention. I'm a little late on this one but the fancy hotels always hang the paper from the top and then fold it into a point. I'm not sure why folding it is supposed to impress us but it does.

Speaking of toilet paper, I heard on the radio the other day that some celebrity environmentalists are traveling the world and encouraging people to use only one square of TP at a time. Sounds like a good way to get a stinky finger if you know what I mean!