Monday, February 26, 2007

Soccer Mom Me

I both hate and love buying a car. I hate the games you have to play bargaining for a deal. But I love the thrill of the process and where the deal will end up. Negotiations. Love them. OK, I am the most uncool car person ever. I have driven minivans for 19 years. I have driven a low end beat up minivan for 7 years. I wrecked the front end...kicked the hood back down at the scene, and spray painted the hood myself with a Walmart spray paint can. I just don't have the time to deal with it. But last week I broke down and left the minivan world for something that actually makes sense for me....a small SUV..a Ford Escape with bells and whistles. My kids can't believe I am a real person. All weekend McKenna was dissing my minivan (she was so happy I bought a real car). Then unfortunately she was in a fender bender this morning. She is OK, but her car is not. Guess what? She just came over to borrow my old minivan. She better be careful....there are bad genes in there. She might be continuing the tradition she hates. Maybe she can repaint the hood a classier color!

1 comment:

LAURA'S BLOG said...

I always said I would never, ever drive a minivan. I also said I would never become a Baptist.

Never say never!